Player of the year

Special award for special talents

Award for our most exemplary players

Who was particularly exemplary for other players at the club last year? Who was successful in competition? Who has shown outstanding commitment to the club – whether through support in training, taking on voluntary tasks or particularly fair and outstanding behavior inside and outside the sports hall?

Our coaching team asks itself these questions once a year and then selects a player as “Player of the Year” – an award that is both a thank you and an incentive.

The award is presented as part of a larger club event – usually at the club championships. In addition to a certificate to commemorate this great achievement, there is also a unique T-shirt and a small prize.

The award is highly coveted and weeks before the winner is announced, there is speculation during training as to who it might be this time. The right names are usually discussed. This is good proof that the members are also aware of the commitment and can appreciate it.