Our vision 2027
These are our goals for 2027.
With the Badminton Verein Frankfurt 06 e.V., we want to be the leading address for girls and boys in all age groups in the sport of badminton. At the same time, we want to build a bridge from youth sports to adult sports in order to spark a broad enthusiasm for badminton.
Lack of exercise among children and young people is a major problem. Children between the ages of six and ten only get an average of one hour of exercise a day and spend more time consuming electronic media instead. [1] 80 to 88 percent of young people between the ages of 11 and 17 in Germany do not meet the WHO’s recommended amount of weekly exercise. [2] However, the consequences of a lack of exercise are particularly fatal for children and young people, as exercise has a major impact on their mental, physical and psychological development.
That’s why we want to bring a total of 250 children and young people into our club by the end of 2027 and offer them the opportunity to exercise, develop their talents and discover their passion for badminton. 50% of them should be girls. But we don’t just want to attract new members, we also want to create badminton opportunities for another 250 children and young people outside the club. School clubs, vacation camps and childcare services should give them the opportunity to get to know badminton and develop a love for sports.
We also want to specifically target girls and women of all ages, encourage them to play badminton and compete with others on the court. We firmly believe that badminton is the ideal sport for everyone, regardless of gender or age. We aim to increase the proportion of women among our adult members to 40% by the end of 2027.
We want to position ourselves as an ambitious competitive club and make it possible and attractive for our members to take part in official and unofficial competitions. By the 2027/28 season, we want to have at least 6 adult teams in which our former youngsters can also find their place. We want to give them the opportunity to develop further. We firmly believe that team spirit and a competitive atmosphere play an important role in personal development.
In addition to sporting success, it is also important to us to increase the loyalty of our members to the club. We want a person to remain a member for at least 5 years on average. To achieve this, we will promote joint activities outside of sports. Festivities, trips and get-togethers are intended to strengthen the community and promote team spirit among members. We are convinced that the club is not only a place for sports, but also for socializing and friendship between people of all ages.
In order to realize our vision, we have set ourselves an interim goal: By the end of 2025, we want to bring 40 additional children and young people into the club as members, 50% of whom should be girls.
Let’s realize this vision together and make BV Frankfurt 06 e.V. a club for girls, boys and adults that others will have to measure themselves against. Let’s spark a broad enthusiasm for badminton. Together we can achieve great things and make BV Frankfurt a leading address in badminton!
- https://www.aok.de/pk/magazin/sport/fitness/bewegungsmangel-und-seine-gesundheitlichen-folgen/ (retrieved on 31.08.2023, 14:53)
- https://de.statista.com/infografik/28526/praevalenz-von-bewegungsmangel-in-deutschland-nach-altersgruppen/ (retrieved on 31.08.2023, 15:04)